Featured Images & Articles Below
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2025- Featured in Black Noise Magazine- Cover & article:

2022- Awarded Top Dog in Artists Network "2nd Annual Best in Show Pets Art Competition" featuring piece, "Forever a Pack":

2022- The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Common Ground Country Fair in Unity Maine, poster contest winner with colored pencil piece "Raven and Blackberries":
Featured in the Bangor Daily News, the Piscataquis Observer, and WABI TV 5 News: ​

2021- Southwest Art Magazine, "21 Under 31." Featured as one of the 21 up-in-coming artists under the age of 31 to "watch for" in the art world!

2021- Album cover for The Mallett Brothers Band album, "Gold Light"- July 4th 2021. Bison painting, "Of What Remains," was the pieces selected for the cover. The album art was also featured on the Three Rivers Bissell Brothers Brewing Company brew can "Gold Light" for the release of the album.

2021- Featured Artist in Lavender Fields Online Magazine, February 2021 issue.

2020- Featured in Southwest Art Magazine with the Artistic Excellence Annual Competition, as an Honorable Mention Finalist. Piece to be featured: "Backcountry Cowhand."

2020- Featured in Sidelines Magazine, a prominent Equine Magazine. Article titled: "Finding Home in Life and Art, " written by Shya Beth, founder of Art of the Horse.


2020- Featured as "Emerging Artist" in the online article with Western Art Collector Magazine. The painting "The Sorrel," is depicted with Artist feature in correlation with Abend Gallery.

2019- Album cover for Clifford Cameron's music album "Katahdin" featuring The Alpine Ensemble.

2019- "Theater Horse #4" was specially requested by the Equus Film Festival for their Maryland poster as apart of their Nationwide tour in 2019.

2014- "Ahead of the Pack," oil painting selected from competition as the poster for the Harvest Cup Polo Classic by The Junior League of Greater Covington, LA. The painting and artist was featured in an edition of Inside Northside Magazine and in several local papers.